Custom Dashboards are moving!✨

We are pleased to announce that Custom Dashboards can now be easily accessed on the right-hand side, next to the date selector:

This change was made in response to your feedback and we are confident this will allow you to navigate between segmented data more quickly and efficiently.

Manual Subscriptions - Edit Plan Names

We have added an improvement that allows you to edit plan names with manual subscriptions!

Manual subscriptions are a helpful tool for keeping track of your customers whom you manage outside of your payment provider. However, keeping track of your plans' names when using manual subscriptions could be difficult, as they could not be changed once added.

Now, you can easily edit plan names anytime with manual subscriptions so that your pricing structure is always up-to-date. To edit a plan name, go to the Plans tab in Baremetrics and click the Edit icon next to the plan you would like to change. Then, enter the new plan name in the box and click Save. It is that easy!

If you have any questions or feedback about this update, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Forecast+ Expense Forecasting

Expense forecasting is now available in Forecast+ 🥳 !

Gain a stronger understanding of how much money you’re earning or losing each month by including expense forecasts in your net income. 

Sign up for the beta here

API - Proration Charge Fixes

Rolling out two improvements around proration in the API! 🎉

When a customer moves to a higher-priced tier - Proration items will be included on the next charge in their billing cycle. For example, a customer signs up for a $12/mo plan and upgrades to a $24/mo plan a week later. On the next charge, we'll do two things: $9 unused credit from their $12/mo plan, and $18 of usage from their $24/mo plan from the point the plan changed = $33 charge. This is a simple example, we'll calculate down to the second in reality. 

When a customer moves to a lower priced tier -  If the change from one plan to another creates a proration larger than the following charge, or any number after that, a charge will not be created until the credit has been used. This is notable for annual to monthly plan changes, we'll keep track of the balance of the annual plan and resume charges when it has been used. 

API Documentation

API - Add On Fix

Previously add ons created via the API would correctly show up in MRR but would not be reflected in charges created when auto-charging is enabled.  The charges now will reflect the MRR with the included add-ons.

Apple App Store Improvements

We released a few improvements for our Apple App Store integration:

Improved recognition of trial lengths - We have decided to revise and deploy an improved version that allows the metric to produce more accurate conversion rates. Previously we were only creating two states (trialing or active.)  Now will include a canceled state which will create a more accurate picture of what is happening with the subscription.

Improved cancellation dates -   When we import data from Apple we create subscription states based on the information we receive from Apple. Previously cancellations would be identified by a lack of new information during the ds_state creation. We have revamped this to better help identify reactivations/cancelations of the subscription as soon as they happen.

Improved handling of refunds - If a converted customer has their first payment refunded, we'll now cancel the subscription. Previously we kept these customers active till the end of the billing period. 

These changes have given us the ability to be more proactive with cancelations and refunds which will better help identify churn and trial updates. 🎉

Check out your insights here!

Updated 12 Month Graph in Recover

New graphs mean better insights! 🎉This update allows for easier visual understanding of how Recover is working for you in a given month over the past year.

Red is going to show the failed charges inside of a month, while blue will show what you've Recovered inside of a month:

To read more specifics about this update and how to read the rest of your Recover Overview, click here for a brand new HelpDoc hot off the presses! It's my keyboard, my keyboard is the presses.

Segmentation just got better!

You asked, we listened. Now when segmenting your customers, you can search by plan using "contains"! 🎉 No more needing to click through each individual plan. Saving you energy, one click at a time.


Segmentable Dashboard Widgets

As part of the Custom Dashboard views, you can now create widgets for specific segments!

Just edit or create a new dashboard view and you'll see a "Segment" option to choose one of your pre-built segments, giving you faster access to the segments that impact your business.

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